Various job seekers are eager to apply for every job opportunity they see in their field. They find a famous traditional resume builder, fill in all their details, download it, and hit the “submit” or “send” button. Are you one of them? Do you know where your resume goes? Do you know the companies that share your resumes with third parties without informing you? Are you aware of who is accessing your previously sent resume? Sadly, many traditional resume builders are more interested in monetizing than helping you protect your data.
Apart from that, some job seekers assume such online frauds will never happen to them and unquestioningly share their resumes on every job board. But when such an incident happens, it is too late! Protecting your personal information is like protecting your identity, future, and peace. So, in today’s blog, we will discuss why job seekers should avoid traditional resume builders.
The Hidden Risks of Traditional Resume Builders in 2024
Let’s check out some hidden risks associated with traditional resume builders:
- Data Privacy Concerns: Traditional resume builders store your details without robust safety measures. Your sensitive information becomes vulnerable to third-party access and breaches.
- Data Monetization: Many traditional resume builders also sell your personal data in resumes to unknown parties, such as marketing companies and advertisers, without your awareness, which is a crime. This leads to potential data misuse and unsolicited contact.
- Lack of Transparency: Traditional platforms rarely inform resume users about where their data is stored, used, shared, or if it is protected or not. Such companies hide crucial details from job seekers and misuse their information for their own benefit.
The Consequences of Using Traditional Resume Builders
Suppose you have sent your resume to a company or submitted it on a job portal. You start receiving calls, emails, and job offers a few days or weeks later. Quite problematic, right? Continue reading to know some of the potential consequences of using traditional resume builders:
- Identity Theft: You will become the prime target of identity theft, leading to financial loss, depression, and long-term damage to your credit score.
- Scams and Fraud: Cybercriminals will misuse your data to create phishing schemes, scams, and other frauds.
- Unwanted Exposure: Your resume will be accessible to hackers or cybercriminals sitting in any corner of the world, leading to online harassment.
The Advantages of Using a Secure, Privacy-Focused Alternative
As you read the privacy risks, now you, as a job seeker, know why you should avoid traditional resume builders.
What is the alternative? A safe, secure, and user-focused resume builder like Vionaa has come to the aid. This safe resume builder has many safety features, follows GDPR and other laws, and has a stringent privacy policy.
Here is why My Safe Resume is the best choice for job seekers today:
- Anonymized Resumes: This safe resume builder hides your sensitive data and allows you to share your resumes without revealing your demographic details like name, date of birth, address, etc.
- QR Code Integration: With the help of this safe resume builder, recruiters or companies can request access through a secure QR code. Ultimately, you are in control of your information and who sees it.
- Data Encryption: Your personal information is protected from third-party access and breaches only with My Safe Resume.
- User Control: You are the sole controller of your resume and can decide who can view your personal information, helping protect against any data misuse.
Your data is valuable as currency, so you must protect it from cybercriminals at all costs. Vionaa is a safe resume builder that promises to protect your data till the end. We assure you that your future is safe with this secure resume builder. On the other hand, traditional resume builders fail to offer safety and privacy to job seekers’ resumes. So be smart and use Vionaa to protect your valuable data.